Are high credit card interest rates preventing you from reducing your debt and meeting your financial goals?
Join us on Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. for a credit card debt webinar hosted by Cambridge Credit Counseling President & CEO Christopher Vale.
This webinar will help you understand your options when paying down debt. Vale will discuss debt reduction strategies along with the importance of having a sound financial game plan. All NYSUT members and their families are encouraged to attend.
Credit Card Debt Webinar - Register Now
Cambridge Credit Counseling (endorsed by the NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation) has been assisting consumers with credit and debt resolution issues for more than 25 years.
Cambridge features nationally-certified counselors who can help with determining the most appropriate course of action for your specific situation.
NYSUT members are eligible to receive a free, no-obligation debt consultation with one of Cambridge's certified counselors.
Through this confidential consultation, Cambridge's counselors can assist you with:
Better understanding your unique situation and financial goals
Identifying, categorizing, and thoroughly reviewing all of your income and expenses
Creating or revising a budget
Offering recommendations for achieving that budget
To speak with a Cambridge Certified Counselor, call toll-free 888-254-0398.
With Cambridge's assistance, NYSUT members may be able to consolidate their credit card bills into one simple monthly payment. This can help members to become debt-free in a fraction of the time that it would take on their own making minimum monthly payments.
Members can also receive a free debt analysis with Cambridge; after submitting their contact information, a Cambridge counselor will contact them to review their specific situation.
Cambridge's typical debt management clients can take advantage of:
Reduced interest rates by an average of 64%
Reduced monthly credit card payments by an average of nearly $150 per month
Credit card debt eliminated in an average of just 48 months
NYSUT members save an additional 10% on debt consolidation services
To speak with a Cambridge Certified Counselor, call toll-free 888-254-0398 or click here to learn more.