Strengthen your local while providing valuable benefits to your members

NYSUT Member Benefits endorses various group programs available for purchase by NYSUT local associations or their employers and benefit funds. These programs are typically bargained for with the employer or purchased by a benefit fund.

However, given the challenges in bargaining and the fact that many benefit funds may have trouble increasing their funding (or your local may not have a benefit fund), we’re now seeing local associations pool their local union dues for the purpose of putting a group plan in place for their members.

Those locals that have chosen to purchase and implement group programs not only bring valuable benefits to their members at a heavily discounted rate, but also demonstrate to their membership the additional benefits of being a union member – along with your union fighting for better contracts, safer working conditions, fair pay, and professional learning opportunities.

Locals that do not expect to be able to add group programs through the bargaining process, do not have a benefit fund or are not able to increase funding to a benefit fund may be interested in bringing their members together to purchase a NYSUT Member Benefits-endorsed group program directly through their local.

Many of the Member Benefits-endorsed group programs available for purchase are also available for purchase on a voluntary basis by individual members. However, the power of a group program can significantly reduce the cost of these programs per member – making it an incredible value.

Two of the most popular group programs available to be purchased by the local are our endorsed Group Access Legal Service Plan and Group Financial Counseling Program. To enroll in these programs on a voluntary basis, the cost would be $85 and $260 per year, respectively. However, if either of these programs is purchased as a group program (in which all members of that local would be covered and paid for), the cost of these programs is only $35 each per member – a significant savings for your members!

So how would a local association go about implementing this strategy? In some instances, your local may already have amassed some finances from the regular collection of local dues that could be utilized for the purchase of a group program. In other cases, your local’s constitution and bylaws may provide the local with the option of increasing its dues for certain ventures such as this.

The overall process is quite simple. A NYSUT Member Benefits Benefits Coordinator can present either of the aforementioned programs for your local’s consideration. If warranted, a representative of either of the programs can also attend to present and answer questions about their respective program. If your local decides to purchase a group program, NYSUT Member Benefits and the program provider will work closely with your local to implement the program AND promote it to your membership.

Simply put, these types of programs are normally not available to the general public. You must be both a NYSUT member and member of your local to participate in these group programs. The power and savings that go along with implementing a group program provide your local with a unique cost-savings strategy. Typically, this brings the members of the local together to learn about the programs available; implement or launch a new program; schedule will preparation or financial planning days; or even vote to determine whether a program should be implemented to your membership.

While NYSUT Member Benefits endorses a variety of other group programs, many are insurance programs that may require different premium amounts per member and must adhere to certain compliance requirements. These programs may pose some challenges if implemented solely by a local association.

For more information about this process or the various group programs available to your local, please contact the Benefits Coordinator covering your region.