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Heat USA
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Heat USA
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Heat USA
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Heat USA (Heating Oil Savings)
The NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation-endorsed
Heat USA
program offers NYSUT members and their families the opportunity to save approximately $300 to $500 per year on heating oil.
Heat USA participants receive the following:
1. A free or discounted service contract, contract coverage and cleaning coverage with a minimum consumption of 600 gallons per year.
2. $50 in free heating oil upon sign-up
3. A $100 upgrade certificate upon initial sign-up*
4. A free second year of membership
Looking to Learn More?
1. Visit
2. Call toll-free
888-HEAT-USA (888-432-8872)
Heat USA is the largest heating oil buying group in the country, with more than 50,000 oil-heated households and 200 full-service heating oil suppliers participating. By offering to bring thousands or even millions of gallons of new business to a supplier, Heat USA is able to secure benefits for participants that they wouldn't otherwise be able to negotiate on their own. This program is currently available in certain regions of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Virginia.
*$100 upgrade certificate can be used towards the purchase of a new high-efficiency heating oil burner or boiler from a Heat USA supplier.
Please Note: Heat USA requires a $35 membership fee every two years from all participants in this program
There is an endorsement arrangement between the provider of this plan and the NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation.
Click here
for the details of this arrangement.
The NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation does not guarantee that these endorsed programs are the lowest-cost products available to you, and you are encouraged to shop and compare before making any purchasing decisions.