August 20, 2019

Expert legal assistance available to union members

Your union membership offers you access to expert legal assistance in a wide variety of areas -- from estate planning to traffic violations.

Whether you recently welcomed a child into the world, got married or divorced, or have been the recipient of an inheritance, now is a good time to consider creating or updating your Will.

Your union membership offers you access to expert legal assistance on everything from preparing crucial estate planning documents to dealing with traffic violations.

The NYSUT Member Benefits Trust-endorsed Legal Service Plan provides unlimited toll-free legal advice; a Simple Will, Health Care Proxy, Living Will and Power of Attorney; and guaranteed maximum fees for many legal matters.

NYSUT in-service members can purchase this plan for $85 annually ($55 per year for retirees); optional Elder Law and Business Protection Riders are available.

Click here to learn more about our endorsed Legal Service Plan.